Con il metodo Gine Coaching® io posso aiutarti a raggiungere questa maggiore consapevolezza di te stessa e ad impiegarla al meglio

From the above descriptions of the four phases we can come to two conclusions:

1) The lunar cycle affects us whether or not we have a uterus and a more or less regular menstrual cycle including when we are in the menopause.

2) When we have a menstrual cycle, we can observe how its energy fluctuations interact with those of the corresponding lunar phases. As such, we can become aware that the energies that are generated within us can be combined in different ways with the energies of each lunar phase. This means that having our period during the full moon, in which the menstrual and lunar cycles stimulate opposing energies, is a different experience to having it during the black moon, in which these cycles produce energies that are more harmonious and amplify one another.

As women, we are all different. As such, we may all be influenced at different levels by the lunar or the menstrual cycles. We might feel more at ease in a specific phase of each cycle rather than in others or in a particular phase combination of the two cycles, if we have both, e.g. we could feel better during menstruation in the full moon phase rather than in the black moon phase or vice versa. It is up to each of us to discover our own experiential profile in this regard.

With the Gine Coaching® method, I can help you reach this greater awareness of yourself so you can be at your best during this process to achieve your personal and professional goals even during the menopause or after.

If you would like to become more aware of your cyclical nature, you are welcome to participate in a free online meditation I offer on each black and full moon. And if you wish to get extra support for your growth please join our community of women who support each other and who get to know themselves better through knowing others.